Performing Arts
My chosen Mediums
My mission as a performer, theater director, and educator is to foster the unique voice and imagination of artists through the performing arts to support the discovery, articulation, and expression through their chosen medium.
Saravá! Dance Party
Saravá! is a Brazilian party for those who love to move freely and include performances and visual arts. Created by Group .BR, NY’s only Brazilian theater company, the parties are always inspired by the company’s upcoming production and serve as a fundraising.
Double Cultura
As the only English speaker of the house, twelve-year-old Marisol takes on the overwhelming responsibility of being her immigrant mother's translator. Much of her own life is disrupted to aid her Spanish-speaking mother, Gloria, in navigating an English-speaking world. From fully translating medical terminology and being the bearer of bad news, Marisol is thrown into an anxiety-inducing situation being the sole channel of communication between Gloria and her doctor. (Officially streaming on HBO Max until 2024).
Devised & Produced by Et Alia Theater An immersive theater installation made of women's bodies as they deal with their relationship to eating. This is Me Eating____ started as an online project and after receiving the City Artist Corps Grant, Et Alia Theater produced This is Me Eating____ as an immersive, live theater performance.
Hatha Yoga
#PuntoInspires was a professional advancement and growth initiative in partnership with the Grace Institute and the H.O.P.E. Program produced at PUNTO Space.
Dance Feelings
A fun class on Brazilian rhythms such as côco, samba, frevo, and ciranda. Each workshop is related to the theme and music styles of the Saravá! parties by Group .BR usually held at House of Yes.
Make Your Own Mask
A two day workshop focusing on making masks while savoring some Brazilian treats as you create. There is no right or wrong, just loose creativity and surprising results.
The Body: A Force for Change
Theater games and exercises that make us grow as performers and as human beings. Created in a safe environment for self-expression and discovery through movement and vocal work, this workshop is geared towards the general public.
PanNYC Workshop
Renowned Paris-based Pantheatre offered its yearly training by artistic directors Enrique Pardo and Linda Wise in NYC. Produced by Nettles Artists Collective, PanNYC is an intensive workshop focusing on Voice Performance and Choreographic Theatre.
Pão de Queijo Brunch
A pleasant afternoon with lots of pão de queijo (cheese bread), other Brazilian treats, beer, caipirinhas, our signature drink Wild Coffee, art, and performances.
Inside the Wild Heart
Inside the Wild Heart is an immersive theatrical experience based on the works of acclaimed Brazilian female author, Clarice Lispector.
Inside. Not Looking Out.
An exploration through movement and found text of the multifaceted human, focusing particularly on the presence of masculine and feminine intelligence in both man and woman.
Meu Vazio é o Movimento
Original solo piece with text and performance by Alana Rosa. A metaphor used to express the urgency and existence in life, starting from the idea of being born. Special guest: Adilson Mol (Poem "Eros e Psiquê" de Fernando Pessoa)
Night of the Iguana
A reading of Tennessee Williams’ Night of the Iguana directed by Ricardo Reithmuller, Artistic Director of East Third Production. The evening took place at the Sheen Center in Manhattan.
Happy Hour Online
A happy hour with readings and chat about Clarice Lispector’s work and life hosted through Zoom.
Clarice’s Hour
A partnership between Group .BR (NY's only Brazilian theater company) and Moreira Salles Institute from Brazil that brings New York Clarice's Hour (Hora de Clarice), a worldwide celebration of Clarice Lispector's birthday.
Bother Line
Bother Line is an original solo performance piece created and conceptualized by Gio Mielle exploring humanization versus dehumanization and the daily impact it has on our bodies and identities.
A Fronteira (The Frontier)
Feature Movie directed by Roberto Carminati (Boston 2001).
Klingon Opera
A presentation of Klingon musical research at Robert Wilson's Watermill Center, NY by the fabled Klingon Terran Research Ensemble. Workshop lead and given by Thomas Johannsen. Project and research by Floris Schönfeld
Performed in La Pajarera (The BirdCage) at Universidad Mayor in Santiago - a colonial theatre space. With 16 participants and the musicians of Merken - basen on choreographic theatre improvisation structures and on texts chosen by the actors directed by Enrique Pardo.
E.I! E.I.!O.H!
A devised work by the Nettles Artists Collective around the theme of emotional intelligence.
The King in Yellow
The King in Yellow is an exploration of the themes of death. The meaning in our lives and the lives of the countless generations who have come before us.
FourLegged Melancholy
An exploration of our melancholic selves – the part of us that lives with the echo of what has been lost. It goes to a place where melancholy is NOT all sadness, but rather a complex state of being, with a full range of emotions.
A work in progress solo performance about the “backlash” of happiness and what it means to be one more person with a million questions in a crowded world of lonely people.
Apple of My Eye
An innovative physical theater piece that marks the first time ever a play written by an artist with down syndrome is professionally produced. A romantic love, “normality”, inclusion and community through the use of movement, text and video.
The Dark Side of the Woods
Nettles Artist Collective brought the site specific original piece The Dark Side of the Woods, an exploration of fairy tales through movement, live music, and unforgettable characters.
Infinite While It Lasts
Group .BR original site specific production based on the works and life of Brazilian poet, composer and most known for being one of the creators of Bossa Nova and it’s biggest hits such as Girl From Ipanema, Vinicius de Moraes.
The Serpent
Group .BR’s first production written by Brazil’s most known playwright, Nelson Rodrigues.
Chapter 10 by James Joyce
A multidisciplinary interpretation of the 19 sessions of Ulysses’ Episode #10 - Wandering Rocks by James Joyce in collaboration with Matthew Gallery and Montez Press Magazine.
The Seven Kittens
Evoé Collective presents Brazil Reads Brasil - 1st Edition. Written by the acclaimed brazilian writer Nelson Rodrigues. Directed by Débora Balardini. Supported by Group .BR and former Punto Space.
From classic work to original and immersive theater, it’s hard to have a favorite so please don’t make me choose. Download my resume here.
Directing isn’t just helping artists make their imagination a reality, I help them live it until the work lives.
From Grand Theft Auto to Calliou’s mom, to voice overs in English, Portuguese, and Spanish, I found my place and voice. Download my voice over reel here.
People Say
Discover Why
From staged readings and original immersive theatre productions to signature cultural events and educational experiences, we will always be connected through art and humanity.

"Debora is so incredibly talented. She simply brought a north into my life, in a professional and even personal sense. The way she designed my career assertively was all I needed to have the confidence and courage to take a new professional path."

"Working with Debora is like a breath of fresh air. Clear and concise, motivated with fresh ideas and solutions. She helped me put my art career on a happy path by breaking down key elements into an easy and understandable format for the layman like myself."

"Debora pointed out important aspects I should pay attention to and work on myself. She showed me different directions I could take to reach my goals. Shortly after, I booked an off-Broadway show. I’m very grateful for the advice and for having such a kind person as a mentor. "
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